What Is the Process to Check Antifreeze Level

Your cholesterol levels can tell you important information about your heart health—which you may not know otherwise unless you get that test done.

That's because high cholesterol often doesn't cause any symptoms until something serious like a heart attack occurs.

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I generally recommend that my patients get a baseline reading by age 35 (earlier if they are at higher risk of heart disease, like if they have a family history or are overweight).

A baseline reading is important, because it gives your doctor something to compare later changes to.

Even if your numbers are normal—say, a total cholesterol reading less than 200 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL)—that doesn't mean you're set indefinitely: Your risk changes over time as you get older.

That's especially true if you experience other health changes during that time—say, if you gain weight, stop or reduce your exercise or start smoking or drinking more alcohol.

All of these factors can raise your risk of heart disease, as well as other serious health conditions like diabetes.

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For that reason, I generally recommend patients repeat normal readings on cholesterol tests every 5 years.

People with a family history of high cholesterol—or if they develop high blood pressure or diabetes have their levels checked yearly, though.

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But it's important that you maintain regular check-ins with your doctor, even if your lab work comes back fine.

That's because your cholesterol levels are only one piece in the puzzle doctors use when determining whether you should be taking cholesterol-lowering meds.

Current guidelines for cholesterol-lowering treatment depend on your overall heart risk score—not just your levels on one particular test.

So your doctor will factor in your age, gender, ethnicity, total cholesterol levels, HDL (or good) cholesterol levels, blood pressure readings, any blood pressure meds you may take, and whether you have diabetes or if you smoke.

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Your doctor will use these factors to determine a score of how likely you are to experience a heart attack or stroke within 10 years.

If your risk is above 7.5 percent, he or she will generally recommend that you start statin therapy, which is the first line of treatment for elevated cholesterol.

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These meds lower cholesterol production, which is important since too-high levels of the waxy substance can plug your arteries, impeding blood flow and potentially leading to heart attack or stroke.

But they also have other benefits, too: They reduce inflammation, which contributes to heart disease, and help harden the cholesterol build up, called plaques, so they are less likely to rupture and cause a heart attack or stroke.

Your doctor may also recommend lifestyle modifications like increasing exercise and losing weight in addition to statin therapy.

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Another reason you shouldn't put off your doctor visit? Even if your cholesterol levels are fine, you still may be a candidate for statin therapy.

That's generally the case if you already have some other kind of heart disease, diabetes, or other risk factors—say, like a strong family history.

In that case, your doctor may recommend you take statins to reduce your risk even further.

Randy Wexler

The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

Randy Wexler, M.D., is an associate professor of family medicine at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

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What Is the Process to Check Antifreeze Level

Source: https://www.menshealth.com/health/a19527982/how-often-should-you-check-your-cholesterol/

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